If you are a nonresident, if you have entered into a contract with a Ukrainian company, and if you are of opinion that your rights are infringed, our company’s counsels may protect your interests before the International Commercial Arbitration Court.
In order that the ICAC with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of Ukraine has jurisdiction over a dispute, a contract executed, signed and delivered should contain the relevant arbitration clause. Having first examined your contracts, we will consult you unambiguously as to the possibility of the protection of your interests before the ICAC with the CCI, will choose a position in defense of your interests, and, having first agreed upon it with you, will prepare the requisite procedural documents for bringing the matter before the court. Later on, we will represent your interests in an arbitration proceeding, in the adjudgement of arbitration award, and in the execution thereof. We will represent your company at each of these steps.
Moreover, in order to represent properly your interests, all the requisite powers of attorney, contracts for rendering legal assistance with counsels acceptable for an arbitration procedure will be prepared.