In Ukraine, the term of processing an international trademark registration filed according to the Madrid system is 12-18 months from the date of publication in the international register of information on the extension of the effect of international registration to the territory of Ukraine.
However, the applicants may have a need in accelerated processing of an international registration by the Patent Agency of Ukraine to realise their rights in the use of a trademark in Ukraine. For instance, with a view to enter information about a trademark into the Customs Register of Ukraine to prevent import to or export from Ukraine of infringing goods using an internationally registered trademark.
The Patent Agency of Ukraine provides for an accelerated procedure of processing an international registration trademark.
The cost of the accelerated procedure of processing an international registration trademark depends on several factors, namely:
- - the time of submitting a petition on acceleration, starting from the date of filing an international registration in Ukraine (up to 6 months or after 6 months);
- - the kind of trademark being filed (word, graphic, combined);
- - the number of classes of goods and services (ICGS), for which the trademark is being filed.
To determine the cost estimate of accelerated processing of the application by the Patent Agency of Ukraine, we need only the international registration No. After this, we will prepare for you a complete cost estimate for accelerated processing of an international registration.
Inventa's experts are always willing to provide you with qualified services in accelerated registration of a trademark in Ukraine.