Registering inventions in Ukraine takes 18-26 months from the date of filing an invention application with the Patent Agency. Registering a utility model in Ukraine takes 8-12 months from the date of filing a utility model application. However, such a prolonged term of application processing is not always acceptable for an applicant.
The need in a prompt granting of a patent of Ukraine arises when there is a potential threat of either an apprehension of possible use of the assumed invention (utility model) in the territory of Ukraine or when it is necessary to grant rights for participating in tenders or in other cases related to using an invention (entering into the charter of a created or functioning enterprise; entering data into the Customs Registry of inventions and utility models of Ukraine for preventing and excluding illegal export and import of goods that use the invention or utility model, and when a product whose external appearance possesses new design properties is ready for being launched to the market, in particular, in the country where a priority application has been filed). Ukraine also implements the practice of entering a patented invention (utility model) into the Customs Registry to eliminate export and export of infringing goods across the customs boundary of Ukraine. Therefore, to prevent illegal actions of third parties, it is practical to use the accelerated application processing procedure and taking action on granting a patent.
Accelerated processing of an invention application in Ukraine takes 2-4 months from the date of filing a petition on accelerated invention application processing and paying a fee therefor. The fee for accelerated processing of an invention application depends on the number of independent invention claims.
The term of accelerated processing of a utility model application in Ukraine takes one month from the date of filing a petition for accelerated processing of a utility model application and paying the relevant fee.
Note than the procedure of accelerated processing of an invention (utility model) places your application on priority for being examined by the Patent Agency to establish compliance of the invention (utility model) application with legislative requirements. If these requirements are met, the examiner of the Patent Agency of Ukraine will send the applicant an inquiry with a request to submit additional materials for clarifying his questions. In this case, the application processing term will be prolonged. In other words, in 2-4 months for an invention, and one month for a utility model, the examiner of the Patent Agency of Ukraine will take action on registering an invention (utility model), or will send an inquiry of the Patent Agency of Ukraine.
The cost of accelerated processing of an invention and utility model application is shown in the following Table.
Description of a legally significant action | State fee, USD | Company service, USD |
1. Preparing and filing a petition for accelerated processing of a utility model application | 40.00 | 50.00 |
2. Preparing and filing a petition for accelerated processing of an invention application - for each independent claim more than one |
150.00 80.00 |
50.00 - |
Inventa's experts are willing to provide you with all the relevant information for accelerated registration of an invention (utility model).